Dr. Myvanwy McIlveen



Dr Myvanwy McIlveen is unique in being the only female college certified infertility specialist outside the Sydney metropolitan area in NSW. She loves helping couples work towards achieving their family in ways that they feel comfortable with. She offers honest, realistic advice on the choices available to you and allows you to dictate what path you take to parenthood.

Myvanwy has a private fertility practice in Newcastle where she consults at The Junction and on the Central Coast at Gosford. She is a Visiting Medical Officer at Lingard Private Hospital. She welcomes patients from Newcastle, the Hunter, Lake Macquarie, Gosford, Central Coast, New England Area and Northern NSW. For remote country patients she is happy to offer Skype/phone consultations.

Experience & Qualifications

Myvanwy is Newcastle born and bred, growing up at Lake Macquarie before doing her degree at Newcastle University (honours) and her Obstetrics and Gynaecology training at the John Hunter Hospital. She then spent four years training in Sydney and at the University of Sheffield in England in infertility and IVF, completing both her subspecialist qualifications (CREI) and Master of Medicine in Reproductive Health & Human Genetics. In 2005, she returned to her hometown Newcastle as a specialist working with Genea.

An active member of the Fertility Society of Australia, Myvanwy is also an examiner for the Australian College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Her Masters research topic was in AMH (egg number) testing. Her areas of interest include PCOS, ovulation disorders (irregular periods), endometriosis, difficult IVF cases (recurrent IVF failure), ovarian failure and insufficiency, male factor infertility and unexplained infertility. Dr McIlveen operates at Lingard Private Hospital for those patients that require surgery. All private patients are no gapped for surgery (no out of pocket cost except excess). She performs her own HSGs (hysterosalpingograms) with lipiodol (oil tubal flush) at Lingard hospital as a treatment option for unexplained infertility.

Additional Information

All couples are different and require unique, individualized care and Myvanwy understands that you want a personalised approach to your problem. That is why she provides assistance ranging from simple advice and information on the best ways to naturally affect your chances of natural pregnancy to the most modern and scientifically advanced therapies. She will consider your unique medical history and provide advice specifically suited to your circumstances.

Myvanwy understands the process of investigation and treatment can be stressful and that sometimes you just need some reassurance – emailing and phoning her is encouraged.

Married to her childhood sweetheart, Myvanwy has a school aged son and enjoys bushwalking, sailing, climbing and going to the gym in her spare time.

T: 02 4908 6555
F: 02 4969 5135
E: newcastle.fertility@gmail.com
W: newcastlefertilityspecialists.com

Follow her on Facebook: DrMyvanwyMcIlveen

Dr Myvanwy McIllveen Genea Fertility Specialist


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