Cutting-edge science meets heartfelt care
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Your fertility journey is unique and your treatment is tailored to your needs.

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Our experienced team is here to support you every step of the way.

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Success Rates

Take a look at Genea Newcastle’s most recent success rates.

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Be clear on the price of treatment so you can plan your path to parenthood.

Attend our Fertility Options Seminar

Fertility and conception can be overwhelming and confusing. Join us in person for a clear explanation of your options when it comes to successfully conceiving a healthy child.

Request A Specialist or GP Appointment

Genea has been supporting Newcastle and Hunter region parents-to-be for over 35 years. You need a referral from your doctor to see a specialist. If you don’t have a doctor, you can have an online appointment with a Genea GP to obtain a referral.

Not Every Fertility Clinic Is The Same

At Genea Newcastle, we offer assistance to individuals and their partners who want to achieve a pregnancy and live birth.

Providing empathetic care and support, we offer a variety of treatment options for women who need help to fall pregnant and same-sex couples who want to start a family. Often, IVF is not actually needed but we will help you identify the right approach to achieve your goals.

Over 4000 babies have been born as a result of the fertility support and treatments offered at our clinic. While this is our end goal for our clients, we also strive to provide the highest level of personal care throughout every step of your journey.

Fertility Preservation

Genea Newcastle offers fertility preservation for those who are not quite ready to start their family or need to preserve their sperm or eggs prior to medical treatments.

Unfortunately for women, fertility is always declining, so egg freezing is an option to preserve eggs now for use in the future.

Your Partners In Fertility

Falling pregnant can be a long and challenging process for many couples. At Genea, we aim to help you by providing information, support and completely personalised treatment options.

Watch our free webinar to hear from our leading local Fertility Specialist Dr Matthew Holland and learn more about the fertility process, from the ways to boost your natural fertility through to what is involved with IVF.

Fertility Testing Rebate

There is a  Pre- IVF Fertility Testing Rebate until 31 December 2027. You can claim $250 back from Service NSW for fertility investigations. Conditions apply.

Fertility Clinic Newcastle NSW
Grow by Genea®

The revolutionary embryo viewing app designed for you by Genea

Fertility Clinic Newcastle NSW
European Sperm Bank

Due to the shortage of donor sperm we have partnered with the European Sperm Bank and Fairfax Cryobank to give our patients more options when it comes to choosing the best sperm donor for them.